My Reponse to an Article posted on Fox News

Here is the link to the article:


Here is my letter to the editor:

Dear Mr. Todd Starnes,

I am a high school student who is preparing to venture out and become an independent adult. I am thoroughly worried about the continually evolving government and the gay agenda of today and how it will affect the upcoming generations rights and lifestyle. Your article is evidence that the gay rights that we thought would not affect the way we live are shaking the very government and it’s people right in front of our faces. The first and ninth amendments are clear as well as the two natural laws of doing all that you agreed to do and abstaining from encroaching on another person’s property. So why is the government accusing this Christian florist of unjust discrimination? This businesswoman has every right to deny service to anybody she pleases regardless of their sexuality. By accusing the florist of violating the law in this manner, the judge is violating the very Amendments which he is called to protect and make judgement upon.

This is a double standard. All over the country we see proclamation that gay people should be treated equally and fairly but then some expect special treatment. If we look at the judge’s point of view, we can see that he is contradicting himself in his judgement. He is accusing the florist on the basis of discrimination yet in a sense he is discriminating against the supposed discriminator.